Much of the improvements in this release are the internal foundations for upcoming features around collaboration, Hub, and new UI modes. User visible improvements are primarily around sharing, GPU/RAPIDS-ready JupyterLabs, performance, and fixes.
- Features
- Sharing panel
- Jupyter Lab
- GPU Monitoring Dashboard
- Gremlin integration: TinkerPop, AWS Neptune, Azure Cosmos DB
- Infrastructure
- Dependency upgrades
- Override file
- Automatic log rotation
- Notebook resilience
- Beginning of remote & cloud-native storage
- Backups: DB load script
- Admin
- Organizations
- Constants
- Roadmap
- Nginx
- Fixes & tweaks
- Nexus constants
- Fewer 502s
- Dask restarts
- Migration
- Retired CUDA 10.2 in prep for RAPIDS 0.21
Graphistry Versions
Server | 2.37.NEXT |
JS React+Vanilla | 3.7.6 |
Python PyGraphistry client | 0.19.4 -> 0.20.1 |
Third-Party Versions
Caddy | 2.3.0 |
CUDA (In-Docker) | 11.0 (+ 10.2 deprecated) |
Django | 3.1 |
Docker (CE) |
Docker Compose | 1.24.1 |
Elasticsearch node driver | 14.2.2 |
Gremlinpython | 3.4.8 |
Jupyter | 1.0.0 |
Neo4j-python-driver | 4.1.0 |
NodeJS | 14.6.1 |
Pandas | 1.2 |
Postgres | 12.5 |
Python | 3.7 |
Neo4j node driver | 4.1.1 |
Notebook | 6.2.0 |
RAPIDS | 0.19 |
Arrow | 1.0.1 |
Splunk node SDK | 1.9.0 |
Tornado | 6.1 |
- Sharing panel: Visualizations still default to public view / self-edit. You can now flip a visualization to private view, and invite users (identified by email address) with either view or view+edit access.
- Jupyter Lab: The Jupyter environment has been upgraded from the minimal notebook interface to the labs studio one
- GPU Monitoring Dashboard: As part of the Jupyter Labs update, a GPU monitoring dashboard is preinstalled
- Dask Monitoring Dashboard: Also port of the Jupyter Labs update, a Dask task scheduler dashboard, including GPU-based dask-cudf tasks, has been added. Check `docker-compose logs -f -t --tail=100 dask-scheduler` for the location of Graphistry's built-in dask scheduler, and you can create new ones from the dashboard
- Gremlin Integration: TinkerPop, Neptune, Cosmos: PyGraphistry API and demo support
- CUDA 10.2 Deprecated (Same as before): RAPIDS 0.19 is the last version of RAPIDS that supports CUDA < 11.0; RAPIDS 0.21 requires CUDA 11.0+ . The next release of Graphistry will require CUDA 11.0+.
- Override file: Stub `docker-compose.override.yml` is included to encourage editing that file instead of the provided `docker-compose.yml`
- Automatic log rotation: Each service now defaults to 10MB non-blocking log files before automatically rotating to a new one and compressing the old, up to 10 rotations old
- Expected size: 910MB = 10 services x (9 rotations x 90% compression + 1) * 10MB current
- Defined in `docker-compose.yml`; modify by creating a custom `docker-compose.override.yml`
- BlazingSQL logs are reset every 1hr (working around upstream issue of not respecting log configurations)
- General system upgrades: See version list. Upgrades from React 16 -> React 17 may cause unexpected regressions in the UI; please report in case we missed any
- Significant database schema changes: In preparation for teams+orgs security features, schemas have been updated with granular tracking of ownership; standard migration should handle
- Casbin security policies: Dataset/file/session use is now increasingly governed by central Casbin policies stored in the database as part of the move to enabling user-defined access policies. This release aims to preserve existing behavior; please report in case we missed any regressions
- Internal JWT security: Internal services calls are increasingly tagged by JWT user context as we harden permissions (and expose deeper control of permissions)
- Nginx base image: Switched from Alpine to Debian. This is slightly faster and slightly bigger.
- Notebook resilience: Health monitor and restart now based on an HTTP GET success instead of process existence, which aids cases where notebooks are up but frozen
- Beginning of remote & cloud-native storage: Starting with data/{files,datasets} and for Azure, when a remote store is provided, the local disk will be used as a cache instead the store. Off by default; contact if a priority for your team. The direction is currently download-only; server->storage sync must be manually performed (e.g., az copy). To use, set:
AZ_STORAGE_CONTAINER_NAME=mycontainer - Backups: DB load script: See your etc/scripts folder for loading DB backups directly from a `backup.sql`
- Organizations: All users now implicitly belong to a personal Organization and potentially multiple other Organizations. This impacts using the admin panel for account creation: you must select an initial organization. Upcoming releases will make Organizations a user-visible feature and provide easy-to-use interfaces for user-level (non-admin) Organization creation, invitations, and team management.
- Constants: Fixes to the admin settings handling should improve start behavior
- Roadmap: Added public release roadmap tracker
- Nginx: Logs now exposed to Docker; set `NGINX_DEBUG=-debug` for more verbose
Fixes & tweaks
- Constants: The constant handling had issues stemming to the Django 3.1 upgrade and upstream bugs in plugins' support for it requiring workarounds
- Fewer 502s: Most (but not all) URLs giving occasional 502 errors even under light load have been fixed
- Node IDs: Better handling of node bindings where node="id"; fixes cases where UI may have been stuck at "loading 15%"
- Dask restarts: HA workaround for Dask workers & Dask-using-services that occasionally deadlock during autohealing when initial termination involved a Lock
As noted in previous notes, this is the first release requiring CUDA 11.0+ driver compatibility. Nvidia RAPIDS 0.21 requires CUDA 11.0+, forcing this change from CUDA 10.2
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